Living The Retirement Lifestyle
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The Ultimate Retirement Side Income
Meet Andrew Logan our guest today on Living The Retirement Lifestyle Podcast. Andrew is the author of “The Way Out” – 7 Steps To Financial Freedom Through Network Marketing. We’ve read a lot of books on the topic of entrepreneurship and in particular on network marketing but his approach to the topic is down to earth, honest and no nonsense and why he believes it’s a great model for someone wanting to generate a passive income in or for their retirement.
Time to sit back and listen to what he has to say
Andrew’s story and his success comes from his approach to an industry that is often times much maligned because people think it’s so easy they don’t take time to realise that like any other, a network marketing business is a business.
Putting that aside, we know from experience that the one thing that retirees and pre-retirees need is passive income
It’s something we learnt about long before we joined the industry
We call it The Three Legged Stool. Andrew calls it The Big Lake
In case like us you like to read about things here’s what Andrew says (and with kind permission we quote from his book)
It’s a fascinating way to understand the importance of multiple streams of income…
Something we should all have
The Big Lake
The vast majority of people (and you may be one of them) have only one stream feeding the lake and many streams sucking it dry (life costs, home loads, car payments, debt, rent, food, insurance, credit card payments, holidays etc)
Human nature is to live in the now matching the water coming in with streams coming out.
You get a pay rise – find another way to spend it!
If you want more water in the lake there are really only two options
Find a bigger stream to feed the lake or reduce the number of creeks and streams coming out of the lake
Work hard or spend less
Simple maths
No one wants to work more their whole life
We didn’t want to
Which is why we fixed things by introducing a second stream to the top of the lake back in the days and continue to do so right up to today
To begin the first stream can be your job (just as it was ours) and your second stream can be an online business
Now you have two streams feeding the lake instead of one
Two is always better than one
The more streams of income coming in, the bigger the safety net if there’s a drought upstream.
If you were to lose your job, you have a secondary income stream that can continue to feed the lake in the meantime.
This is the key to financial security
And in your retirement years this is super important
Who knows how long we will live to and we sure as heck don’t want the money to run out before we do!
You can’t have pure health when you’re lying in bed stressing about paying the bills and that’s an unfortunate reality of society today and it’s hitting people in retirement more than anyone
Next we asked Andrew
“Is Network Marketing A Great Model For Generating A Passive Income?”
Andrew shares how you can start a network marketing business whatever age you are and it’s unbeatable in this world. If you want to make the commitment, if you stay in the game, and you do the work, you can then use that to create more streams of income. You can create passive income. You can create your own economy. And that’s incredible. The network marketing model has evolved to allow people to create cash flow into their life almost immediately and that’s phenomenal
Let’s Talk About Your Book – The Way Out
“Why did you write it and who is it for?”
Andrew shares how he was at one of his first major events seeing people having achieved success and said to his wife “how can anyone mess this up“. Unfortunately Andrew has seen and we have seen that many people do mess it up. They don’t treat it as a business and/or they don’t fully understand what it means to run a business and that’s such a great shame. Out of that his book The Way Out – 7 Steps To Financial Freedom Through Network Marketing was born . Showing the way in black and white how to build a business, how to create income, how to create cash flow and then how to create true financial freedom by reinvesting to create further streams of income
This truly is a story that needs to be told and one we fully endorse as we build our business and teach our students and clients to do the same. This book is invaluable