Rethinking the Bible with Jack Pelham

Rethinking the Bible with Jack Pelham

Episode 35: Would You Approve of How Jesus Would Run His Kingdom?

June 06, 2021

DESCRIPTION: Throughout the history of humankind, there have been several distinct phases in how God has run things on the Earth. And every human is born into just one of these periods, and our lives rarely span across more than one or two of them at the most. But what if we don’t like what time it is? What if we would rather it be some other time? How docile are we in regard to all this? How open-minded?

Citations in this Episode

Some of his old joys had to go. Reagan could no longer ride his favorite horse. Nancy asked Reagan’s Secret Service man, John Barletta, to deliver the news. “I said, ‘I don’t think we should ride anymore’,” Barletta recalled. “By this time, there’s tears coming down his cheeks. And all he said, in his time of need, was, ‘It’s OK, John.’ I know he was trying to make me feel better.”https://www.newsweek.