Rethinking Learning Podcast

Rethinking Learning Podcast

Episode #125: Growing Empathy So We Connect More Deeply with Joshua Freedman

October 18, 2021

Joshua Freedman is a specialist on emotional intelligence, an author, and the Chief Executive Officer of Six Seconds, a non-profit dedicated to emotional intelligence (EQ). He co-developed EQ assessments and published a number of books and articles on the topic, creating an international network of consultants and coaches. In our conversation, Josh shared three inspiring stories that impacted his journey. 
Your Background
I was born in Berkeley, California in 1967 and attended the Head-Royce School in Oakland. After a stint at the University of Toronto, I graduated from the World Arts and Culture program at UCLA and went on to work at the Nueva Learning Center in California in the early 1990s. While there, I worked with the emotional intelligence-focused “Self-Science” curriculum developed at the school. The curriculum was featured in Daniel Goleman’s 1995 book Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, which helped explain why EQ is important; but we got a lot of questions about HOW people can grow and use emotional intelligence. So, in 1997, I cofounded Six Seconds to answer that question.
What is Six Seconds?

Six Seconds is the global emotional intelligence community at We’re working in over 200 countries & territories bringing a practical, measurable approach to increase value with emotional intelligence. From leadership & team development programs at places like FedEx, Qatar Airways, UN, US Navy, Microsoft, HSBC… to wellbeing programs at universities… to social-emotional learning initiatives in partnership with UNICEF World Children’s Day.
What is Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
The @6s_EQ Model of Emotional Intelligence is a cycle … every spin of the wheel is a new practice. How do you develop people’s EQ? How do I start understanding, using, and growing my #EmotionalIntelligence?
3 Steps to Emotional Intelligence
What is the Free Emotional Intelligence Test 
Why have global levels of EQ dropped during 2020 
UNICEF World Children’s Day and 6 Seconds Partnership
In partnership with UNICEF World Children’s Day, POP-UP Festival is celebrated in 200+ countries by sharing free, playful, meaningful activities to help kids grow their emotional intelligence and take action on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). There are Mini-Popup kits to get started here, or sign up to get the full curriculum:
