Rethinking Learning Podcast

Rethinking Learning Podcast

Episode #122: Being an Advocate and Champion for Equity with Traci Browder

August 28, 2021

Traci Browder, M.Ed. is a trailblazer in education inspiring and mentoring teachers and changing the lives of children for more than 17 years. Traci is known best for her innovative, out-of-the-box teaching style with a mixture of Montessori, gifted/talented, and special services all rolled into one classroom environment. Her Kindergarten classroom is a live learning lab in which teachers in her school district have come to observe her unique style of teaching as well as teachers on her campus.
Background, where you grew up
I grew up in what most people know as Dallas, Texas, but to be specific, I grew up in Oak Cliff. Oak Cliff has a rich history but is also on the lower end of equitable opportunities for growth, access to opportunities, healthy foods, and resources. Revitalization projects and initiatives are developing, but, an example to help you understand, the community just got its first Walmart a few years back and it closed a couple of years ago. No Walmart, no major grocers.
What it was like for you as a student
I have the most wonderful memories of life as a student. My mom was an extremely involved parent who everyone loved. The scroll was an extension of the family. Many of my teachers appreciated my creativity and giftedness and provided beautiful opportunities for me to thrive and excel. 
One teacher, my second-grade teacher, Mrs.Peters, missed the mark in the year she spent in control of my learning.  She wanted to retain me and said I struggled to read. My mom fought and refused her recommendation and explained that I had been reading since before I enrolled in school.
I am an analytical reader, I know now that I have ADD and ADHD, so my reading may have looked different. I was also later identified as a gifted student. Because of how fast things moved in my head, it was hard to focus on the text so I would -in my head- have to reread or read slower, but complete comprehension was there. In fact, by today’s standards, I would fail on fluency measures because I read better by covering most of the text on the page and still sometimes reread.  I was not retained, thrived in third grade, and by fourth grade, I was in gifted classes, then honors and AP classes in middle and high school.
Your Family 
My family. They are my WHY. My family is special. We eat dinner together every night, when I cook, my family is served – plates prepared beautifully with love and care. We are so very into each other, love to have fun, hang out, and many times do absolutely nothing – but do it together…those are the funniest times. My husband is the base of all dreams. He supports all of our wild and crazy, and I do mean all of it. He nurtures, fertilizes, and advises the desires of our hearts. 
My youngest son is exceptionally gifted, has a personality that is bigger than the planet…his quick wit will make smile turn to tears of laugher. He is also a kid with a big heart. His activism has been featured on news many times. Each year, he rallies and the entire city around a family who would not otherwise be able to afford the things that bring kids and families joy during the Christmas season.