Rethinking Learning Podcast

Rethinking Learning Podcast

Episode #47: Why Choose to Matter with Angela Maiers

July 11, 2018

Angela Maiers is a world-renowned author, entrepreneur, international keynote speaker, and educator, whose transformative message of the importance of mattering has the power to unleash the genius in us all.

I’ve known Angela for many years, followed her on social media, and always look forward to spending time with her in person at conferences. I am so glad we had a chance to have a conversation. I’ve added a few excerpts from our podcast.
About you and your family
I am a mom of two of the most perfect children in the world. My son is 22 pursuing his passion and my daughter is a student at the University of Hawaii. They are both getting to travel and see the world and trying to find out who their best selves are. I live south of Denver in a little town called Lone Tree and love it. Everything is perfect; the weather, the people, the mountains, and more. I feel grateful every day.
Your background in education
I got into education to change lives and change the world. I was in medicine before I came to my senses. I focused on neuroscience with a background in linguistics. I was always fascinated with how language influences both the brain and learning. My heart wasn’t in medicine; it was in education. So over 30 years ago, I joined this amazing field and see everyone as a learner. I’m a teacher in front of students and learner with them and in front of teachers. Anyone we get to be with, we are all teachers and learners at the same time.

Why you developed Choose2Matter
Choose2Matter developed itself. Always, from the moment I chose education, I’ve been deeply aware of my purpose. I know that I am here to be a catalyst of impact and for positive change. Education is supporting anyone at any level who wants to take the responsibility for their own lives and to make the world a better place. Really that’s the foundation of Choose2Matter. Helping people figure out what their unique contribution to the world is going to be.
It wasn’t until I did a TedTalk years ago when I was thinking about all the topics I could say in 17 minutes how you could change the world. We change the world by showing up and presenting the best version of ourselves. Doing this is not easy. Mattering is not an event, a theme, or a message about feeling good about ourselves. It is a discipline and a fierce commitment to figuring out on your own how to offer everything you are to the world. It is also about developing that sense of confidence, calmness, and courage in other people to do the same.
Sometimes mattering is a minute-by-minute, breath-by-breath choice to be brave, to be fully yourself, to be fiercely committed to your own truth and authentic you. When there are so many ways we can hide in the world, because we can listen to our voice or other voices like those that say “you’re just a teacher” or “you’re just a mom” or “you’re not enough.” It can be so hard to stay on top of our own worthiness. We must commit to worthiness being our daily practice. When you encounter someone who is confident with a sense of calmness and is courageous in how much they don’t waiver by outside forces, it is truly contagious and inspiring.
Let’s talk about Mattering
When I look into kids eyes telling them that they have a responsibility to contribute their best selves to the world, I can’t do that authentically if I’m not living in that same room. We create conditions for doubt in school rather than conditions for courage. People are drowning in insignificance at every single level, and it is affecting our world at a prolific and pandemic rate. We now can link through science mattering to mortality. When people don’t feel like they matter and when their desire to be essential to other people isn’t honored and recognized, the repercussions of that range from apathy to full out agony.

In many cases, as you and I know,