Rethinking Learning Podcast

Rethinking Learning Podcast

Episode #34: Dream, Create, and Learn with Dave Truss

March 06, 2018

David Truss is Principal at The Inquiry Hub Secondary, Coquitlam Open Learning and Suwa’lkh in Coquitlam, BC, Canada. Dave’s website, Pair-a-Dimes, received numerous awards and has his own podcast show. Dave is an amazing presenter and keeps pushing the edge in education. His new venture is his eBook Twitter Edu.

I’m really fortunate to have known Dave for many years through social media and was able to have a face-to-face interview for his podcast at Educon 2017 in Philadelphia. I always make sure to attend any of his presentations when I can and am so honored that Dave shared his journey with me. I even got another selfie with Dave at SXSWEDU in Austin, TX.  Below are several excerpts and resources Dave mentioned in the podcast:
Your background and family
I’m married to Ann, a teacher, and have two daughters, Cassie and Kaitlyn. In 2009 we left the bubble-wrapped suburbs of Vancouver, Canada and spent two years living in Dalian, China. Currently, I am an administrator with the Learning Innovations Network Coquitlam (LINC) for School District #43 in Coquitlam, BC, Canada. My primary responsibilities are to Coquitlam Open Learning and our blended learning Inquiry Hub Secondary School.

Coquitlam Principal
I am currently the Millside Centre Principal responsible for 3 programs:
Coquitlam Open Learning is Coquitlam’s Online and Blended High School, with programs and student support provided in all of our district high schools.
Inquiry Hub Secondary School  An inquiry-based school of choice where students get 50% self-directed time to DCL – Dream • Create • Learn.
Suwa’lkh Learning Centre is an indigenous educational program open to students in grades six to twelve. Suwa’lkh means ‘New Beginnings’ in the Hul’qumi’num language.
Your Philosophy of Education

The goal of education is to enrich the lives of students while producing articulate, expressive thinkers and lifelong learners, who are socially responsible, resilient, and active citizens of the world. Education is about teaching students, not subjects. It is about engaging students in their learning and maximizing the potential of each and every child. Education is about looking beyond the child’s intellect and seeing the whole child. Education is about providing students with opportunities to be challenged and still succeed.
My full philosophy of education is shared on this site:
Pair-a-Dimes Blog
My Pair-A-Dimes for Your Thoughts blog has a philosophical bent to it: My thoughts on education, learning, and technology. I generally publish 2 to 5 posts per month with a focus on Transforming Education. Here are a few of the posts I’d like to share:
Leading Change:
I enjoy using images to share ideas and in this post on leading change:
“…we’ need to recognize that:

Change isn’t usually easy.
Change only happens when we create a need.
Change is not a thought or a discussion, but an action.
The time to act is now.

“If it’s important, you’ll find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse.”
The idea is simple.