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How effective are the regulator’s brakes? – Andrew Mirams
March 19, 2017

A lot is being spoken about what the regulators are doing now to slow down investor lending so how effective has it been and what more are they likely to do.  Hear what our finance expert, Andrew Mirams, has to say. - Transcript: -

The best way to get the most money when you sell
March 18, 2017

Every seller wants to get the most money for their property when it comes time to sell. Watch this video from Kevin Turner as he share his thoughts on how to produce the most money when you sell. Transcript: Ironically, the best way to do this is NOT to l

Property investing fear busters + Don’t fall foul of FOMO + Not all property markets going well
March 16, 2017

Highlights from this week: Why more people don’t invest in property. The real impact on investors from tighter lending policies. “More growth is on the way” – Core Logic. Why it is not all plain sailing in the Aussie property market.

Why most property investors fail – Zaki Ameer
March 14, 2017

Of the over 2 million property investors in Australia, only 18% own two properties, and less than 1% own five or more.  Although any asset is an achievement, success to most property investors is really determined by their ability to continue purchasin...

Making rental bonds easier – Michael Wood
March 13, 2017

We have some news about a new product called BONDSURE that will ease the rental bond burden for tenants and offers great protection for tenants, investors and agents.  It is proving to be very popular. - Transcripts: -

What successful investors don’t do + When a ‘flip’ becomes a ‘flop’ + Ugly suburbs turned beautiful
March 09, 2017

Programs such as The Block might make house flipping seem straightforward and lucrative, but there are also a number of tax issues that house flippers should be made aware of.  Mark Chapman from H&R Block Tax Accountants looks at where house flippers s...

Is a depreciation schedule a good indication of value? – Brad Beer
March 04, 2017

Sonya asks if a depreciation schedule is a good indication of a unit’s value.  It appears an agent said it is just an estimate.  Brad Beer from BMT Tax Depreciation sets the record straight. - Transcripts: -

9 important money tips + How to improve the income of your rental + What’s best – new or established?
March 02, 2017

Sonya asks if a depreciation schedule is a good indication of a unit's value.  It appears an agent said it is just an estimate.  Brad Beer from BMT Tax Depreciation sets the record straight. - The risk or otherwise of relying on rental guarantees is s...

Outdoor structures that qualify for capital works allowance + Why it is OK not to invest interstate + Property Investment 101
February 23, 2017

Buyers agent Cate Bakos joins us this week to answer some questions we have received from listeners who are deciding if investing interstate is for them.  Cate tells us the pros and cons and why it's OK not to do it. - During the summer months,

Property industry leader talks about his mistakes + The future of property investing + Buyer beware of false reports
February 16, 2017

Property Industry leader Ben Kingsley is our feature guest this week as he talks about his earliest property investment lessons and how he nearly fell for a big mistake he now sees many investors make.  Like so many of our past guests,