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Real Estate Talk |

We pick the markets to watch + Comment about what’s ahead from Dr Andrew Wilson and Michael Yardney

November 23, 2016


This is our annual market wrap around Australia as we visit each state and territory and get the lowdown from the Institute bosses about the year ahead and their picks of the markets to watch.  We feature expert commentary as we go from Dr Andrew Wilson and feature Michael Yardney’s thoughts as well.

Hear Michael Yardney tell us what he saw happen in 2016 that he didn’t expect and what he sees ahead and we take you to Victoria and talk to Geoff White – REIV CEO and Tony Collidge, President of the Institute in Tasmania.

Andrew Wilson tells us what he thinks will happen next year in Canberra – he really likes that market as you will hear and he tells us about the almost unbelievable low median in South Australia.  We also talk to Frank Pompeani from the Institute in the ACT and Greg Troughton from the REISA with their suggestions about where to buy next year.

We turn the spotlight on Western Australia, a market that continues to struggle as we catch up with the Institute’s President Hayden Groves who highlights the trade up potential in Perth and in the Norther Territory we talk to the REINT’s CEO Quentin Killian who picks 2 areas there he says will be worth watching next year.

In almost a State of Origin for property we talk to the CEO’s of the Queensland Institute, Antonia Mercorella, and the Institute in New South Wales, Tim McKibbin to get their commentary on what is happening there now and likely to occur next year.  We also ask them to tell us where the smart investment money is likely to go.

To complete our annual market wrap, we asked Dr Andrew Wilson for his solid gold market pick for 2017.  Where would he invest if he was looking to add a property to his portfolio?

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