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Get used to being outside your comfort zone + How agents use data about you

September 21, 2016


Jacinta from Western Australia is troubled about property investing because, while she is keen, she is having trouble convincing her partner that it is the right thing to do. She asks ‘what can I do to convince my partner?’. Hear Nhan Nguyen’s advice.

We feature a chat with Jo Chivers from Property Bloom about how she has developed her own portfolio and imparts that knowledge to her clients. Like all successful people, Jo freely shares her experiences with us.

Every real estate agent has data – from customer relationship management systems, to knowledge of the local market, email contacts, history of sales and rentals, accounting systems and access to third party market data. So how do they use that and what do they really know about you? Kylie Davis from Core Logic RP Data, who supply a lot of this data, will explain.

Last week in the show we chatted to Brad Beer about his personal philosophy on property investment. Now we ask him to give us his top tips for successful investing. 5 great pieces of advice.

You might recall that Michael Yardney recently told us why he likes 70’s units. In this interview he highlights the 6 mistakes investors must avoid if they are wanting to invest in older units.

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Is it wise to 'go it alone'? - Nhan Nguyen
Kevin:  I received an email from Jacinta in WA, a lovely spot of the world, too – and a very interesting question. Jacinta writes, “I’ve attended a course on property investing and I’m keen to get started but my husband is reluctant. I wish now that he had been at the course with me because I can’t convince him that it’s the right way to go. Do you have any advice? I don’t want to do it on my own.” Jacinta, I’m going to refer this question to Nhan Nguyen from Advanced Property Strategies.

Hi, Nhan.

Nhan:  Good day, Kevin. How are you doing?

Kevin:  Good. You’ve probably heard that question before, have you?

Nhan:  Oh, for sure. I’m married myself, so I know what it’s like.

Kevin:  What do you do in a situation like that? What should Jacinta do?

Nhan:  It’s a very delicate situation, and I think it’s a slowly-slowly type attitude. Personally, I’m sure there are a lot of other courses that come up from time to time, and getting your partner onboard by having a third-party is really a good way to start and get them onboard to learn about the process, because it’s a journey, as well.

I think also in partnerships, when one spouse may be earning the income and the other may be supporting, looking after the kids, or both partners are working, sometimes both incomes are required to borrow, so you can’t just go by yourself.

I think that definitely a first start is getting education. After that, finding out is it going to be something that both parties are going to participate in? It’s very hard with two partners if one doesn’t really agree with what’s going on.

Kevin:  Nhan, you raise an interesting point there I just want to dig a little bit deeper on, if I may. That is, one partner is earning the money and the other partner is not necessarily bringing money in but wants to start a separate business. How important is it to have the property investment side of what you do as a separate profit center?

Nhan:  I think it’s really important to do that, especially if you’re wanting to create long-term wealth. I set up my entities separately to the property that I own in my personal name. I only have one in my personal name, and the other ones are in other companies and trusts, you could say. That’s very important,