Resurrection Williamsburg Sermons
September 13th Sermon
"The pulpit is where the preacher announces God’s Word – a Word that builds up the
community so that it can go out and witness to God’s love. Obviously, the preacher’s words
are human, and so something of the preacher’s personality will inevitably come through in
every sermon. But good preachers know that sermons only work when God decides to speak
through them. As one of the Reformation confessions put it, “The preaching of the Word of
God is the Word of God.” So that’s what I think happens when preaching happens: In the
power of the Spirit, Christ reveals himself to people through the broken, incomplete, and even
sinful speech of ordinary human preachers. Otherwise, what would the point of preaching be?
And don’t think for a second think that I’m drawing an analogy between Jesus and myself. If
God speaks through this sermon, it will be for one reason and one reason only: because he
decides to. No human being is capable of speaking God’s Word. Only God can do that. But
since God promises to speak through preaching, it makes sense for us to expect him to do
exactly that. So you get the point. Jesus didn’t just preach in 30 AD. Jesus is preaching to
us right here – in this room – right now. He has something he wants to tell us. And so we’d be
wise to open our minds and hearts so we can hear his voice."
"O thou, who art the light of the minds that know thee, the life of the souls that love thee,
and the strength of the wills that serve thee; help us so to know thee that we may truly love
thee; so to love thee that we may fully serve thee, whom to serve is perfect freedom."