S2 Episode 21 MARRIAGE Financial Intimacy
There are 2 things that we share intimately with our spouse: Sex and Money.
With financial intimacy, it’s not about the money. Gil and Brenda dive into the deep end on this issue.
It’s about experiences, and what it means to you. It’s important that you talk about this with your spouse so you both have a realistic view of how money is “felt” in your family. Even if you’ve been married a while, it’s always good to check in with each other, especially as you enter a new season.
A realistic conversation about spending habits can be hard. Have it be a heart conversation. Get on the same page so you are working together for your goals. Best question to ask as you make financial decisions: What’s best for “us?”
Action Steps
1. Have a conversation about these 4 areas and what money means to you. How would you rate
2. Meet with a financial advisor
3. Check out Dave Ramsey materials
4. Smart StepFamily Guide to Financial Planning
5. Email us for the Prepare Enrich Financial worksheet (6 pages)
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