

S2 Episode 17 MARRIAGE/RELATIONSHIP Touch Points

June 22, 2021


Drift and Apathy can wreak havoc in a relationship.

How you watch TV may directly impact this! Gil and Brenda share 12 ways (you can come up with more) how couples can have “touchpoints” in their relationship. It’s in the things that we do every day. We miss the opportunity to connect…which launches us right toward the killers in marriage. Believe it or not, even sharing a laugh can be a touchpoint…a connection. It’s in the sinews (the little touchpoints) that muscles (your marriage) get stronger. We don’t need to make this more complicated!

It’s the little things that make a marriage and it’s the little things that destroy it.


1. Listen to this podcast together.

2. Which ideas did you resonate with?

3. What kind of touchpoints could you add?

4. Be intentional and do them!



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