

S2 Episode 16 STEPFAMILY (all kids) Rocks in the Bucket

June 09, 2021

Gil and Brenda share a concept they have been sharing in their presentations for years. “Rocks in the Bucket” helps give your kids a voice. When done correctly, you empower your children to tell you the truth of how they are feeling. The system is built on you honoring them as they try to honor you with something hard to say. It’s a win/win.

We all carry around an invisible bucket; it represents our well being. Family members, friends, coworkers can all put rocks in our buckets….and we can put rocks in their buckets! This is an easy way to share this with someone when rocks start flying!


1. Find a metal bucket and 3 rocks.

2. Demonstrate (as we did) how this works.

3. Ask them what they think? Talk about examples where they have felt rocks in their bucket.


Counselor/Coach, Husband/Wife Team, Marriage Illustrators and Encouragers

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