The Round Earthers Society

The Round Earthers Society

Episode 26: What is Evil?

February 10, 2019

The Round Earthers Society – Episode 26: What Is Evil?

Do evil people exist? What is the difference between someone who is is inherently evil and someone who does evil things? Is there a difference?

Jesse and Zach tackle the great big topic of evil. We feel like true evil exists but does it really? Was Hitler inherently evil or did circumstance cause him to do do the things he did? Jesse considers people he has known who have done evil acts. Zach considers if people have a genetic moral compass.

• Snowstorms, fuck the man and sports (01:01)
• A new baby and Zach went on a date (02:51)
• Zach wants to be a video game superstar (10:05)
• The ridiculous of Y2K (11:30)
• Discussing how to talk about what evil is (12:40)
• Do evil people exist? (13:31)
• Zach gives his opinion on evil people (17:14)
• Are evil people mentally ill? (18:21)
• Considering why Hitler turned out the way he did (19:58)
• That we water down what evil is by calling people evil (22:28)
• Having an internal guidance on what to do and what not to do (26:08)
• How does determinism play into people becoming evil? (30:20)
• That events can lead to people doing evil acts (32:14)
• Does intent matter? (36:08)
• Where does personal responsibility play into things? (38:31)
• People Jesse knew who seemed like good guys, but then one day did something that could be considered evil (40:01)
• There are always shades of grey (47:01)
• Is it possible to define evil? Is it beneficial to do that? (49:15)
• That labelling everyone as a racist means the term stops having significant weight in society (53:38)
• Being aware of moral shades of grey makes it easier to judge people (57:10)
• Jesse tells another personal story (01:01:02)
• Zach tries to work out if he’s experienced evil (01:04:35)
• That people have a lack of understanding of mental illness (01:06:51)
• Considering their next topic (01:08:09)
• Gaming and how everyone is playing Fortnite (01:10:11)


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