Reset Your Life Now!

Reset Your Life Now!

Latest Episodes

Be Original
July 26, 2018

There is something special about you. Something that makes you stand out from the crowd. Strive to be original. Strive to live your life in complete authenicty. Become a supporter of this podcast: https:/

Curiosity Leads to Self-Discovery
July 19, 2018

Being curious can lead you into some pitfalls if you don't have your priorities in order. When you understand that you can discover new opportunities without ignoring your commitments. You find that your curiosity will lead you closer to what makes you un

Be Curious
July 12, 2018

Some of the greatest discoveries come from one's curiosity. Embrace your curiosity. Become a supporter of this podcast:

Stop Hating Yourself
July 05, 2018

In our society, it is easy to lose yourself in what others are doing. Neglecting yourself can lead to hating yourself. Who you are is what makes life valuable. Don't lose sight of what makes you special. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://a

Focus On The Good
June 28, 2018

We have a tendency to focus on the negative. The things we don't do well and the things we don't want to happen. What if we stop focusing on the negative but the positive? Giving our focus and energy in what we want and desire will bring us to realizing

Don't Play the Blame Game
June 21, 2018

The blame game is the easy way out. We can place blame on others for why our life is messed up but why waste your energy on them. Focus on what you want and put your energy and choices in what you desire. Stop playing the blame game and start playing you

Are You Hungry Enough to Change?
June 14, 2018

You can say you want things to change in your life but do you want it bad enough to actually take action? If you are not hungry you will not take action. You will settle for less than you deserve and that simply is not good enough. Become a supporter of

Are You Hungry?
June 14, 2018

You can say you want things to change in your life but do you want it bad enough to actually take...

Be Selfish - Part 2
June 07, 2018

It is easy to get caught up living for others that you forget to live your own life. You lose sight of what makes you special and by doing so you cheat the world from getting to know the real you. Become a supporter of this podcast:

Be Selfish - Part 2
June 07, 2018

It is easy to get caught up living for others that you forget to live your own life. You lose si...