Reset Your Life Now!

Reset Your Life Now!

Share Your Dream -Testimony on How I raised nearly $10,000 in 10 days

January 14, 2020

This episode is dedicated to the person waiting to share their dream with the world.  There is no perfect time than now.  Don't wait, move on it now.  I waited for years to write my novel Earth always putting it off but at the end of 2019, I decided to put my dream out there.  I started an Indiegogo campaign asking for supporters and friends to help make the book a reality but to my surprise, the response was greater than I even imagined.  If you go on my campaign it looks like I am failing but the truth is things are not always what they seem.  I am close to my goal of $10000 because I opened my heart and shared my dream.  What will happen when you do the same.  


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