Conversations in Complexity

Latest Episodes
Better Dementia Care: Connecting Science to Action
In this podcast, Ross Upshur interviews Gail Elliot about dementia care and the state of dementia care and how it can measure up to expectations that will provide the kind of care which takes into acc
What it Means to be a Good Academic Citizen – Part 2
The academic research environment is changing and researchers report struggling to adapt in order to be successful. Funding shortfalls are perennial, but what systemic shifts should occur to enable re
What it Means to be a Good Academic Citizen – Part 1
Upon publishing “Healthy research ecosystem – healthy researchers? The researcher as an organism of focus within a ‘research ecosystem’ in Academic Matters in mid-March 2019, Ross Upshur and Michelle
Health Leadership Perspectives to Deploy a Seamless Integrated Care for the Older Adults in Catalonia
In this podcast, Ross Upshur, interviews Marco Inzitari, discussing the mechanisms and nuts and bolts of integrated care provided to the elderly population in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. Dr. Inzitari
“I was there for her”: A Caregiver’s Story
Gordon MacGregor, a member of the Alternate Level of Care Patient and Caregiver Council, in an interview with Ross Upshur reflects upon his personal experience taking care of his wife in a span of nea
Striving for a Better Healthcare for the Elderly in Canada; An interview with Jane Barratt, the Secretary General of the International Federation on Ageing
Jane Barratt in an interview with Ross Upshur reflects on different aspects of elderly care and explains how it could be improved in Canada. In the interview, she gives an example of other countries a
When All Roads Seem to Lead to Healthcare Complexity
ST: A Palliative Approach to Decision Aids to Help Improve Patients’ Medical Choices Pete Wegier in this interview with Ross Upshur discusses complexities of the end of life care and how coordination
The Need for Intra- and Inter-sectoral Collaboration in Healthcare, in Interview with Michelle Nelson
Michelle Nelson in an interview with Ross Upshur discusses the importance of intra- and inter-sectoral collaboration in healthcare and explains how the voluntary sector could be engaged to support imp
Simplifying the Complexity of Palliative Care
Jeff Myers, in this interview with Ross Upshur, discusses the evolution of palliative care and the evidence that has accumulated outlining its impact on outcomes for patients, families, and systems. W
Safer Opioid Prescribing and Non-opioid Alternatives for Chronic Pain
Abhimanyu Sud, in an interview with Ross Upshur, talks about the current opioid crisis, the challenges and the opportunities to respond to the crisis at different levels including improved prescriber