Reproducing Churches

A Journey of Multiplication — Vance Pitman, Hope Church Las Vegas

Vance Pitman is the Senior Pastor of Hope Church Las Vegas, a church plant of First Baptist Church in Woodstock, Georgia. His expositional teachings and command of the diverse biblical vernacular captivate his audience and urge them to ask, “How can I be more involved in the Kingdom?”
In this podcast, hear from Vance as he shares his heart behind his journey through church multiplication over the years.
“You’ve got to get to that place of surrendering and realizing that that as a church planter and pastor, your job is not to grow a church,” Vance says. “Your job is to introduce people to the King, disciple them in kingdom living, and then send them out for the expansion of God’s kingdom — which is a radically different mindset than I’d come from… our calling is the expansion of his kingdom and we’re to surrender everything — daily surrender in ministry, surrender of the ministry, all of that is what it’s really all about.”
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