Reports from the Spiritual Frontier

Reports from the Spiritual Frontier

Latest Episodes

Wayne Jacobsen – Following Jesus Out of Institutional Christianity
February 21, 2018

Join us for a conversation with Wayne Jacobsen, blogger at, co-author of the Shack, and recent author of Beyond Sundays as he describes his journey into post-institutional Christianity. Hear him how God told him “I’ve got much more to te...

Rabbi Rachel Barenblat – We create worlds with our words
February 15, 2018

Hear a little bit more of our conversation with Rabbi Rachel Barenblat, where she shares the intersections between her faith and her vocation as a poet, and shares with a couple poems from her latest collection.

Rabbi Rachel Barenblat – Joyful Life as A Religious Minority
February 13, 2018

Join us for a conversation with Rachel Barenblat, Co-Founder of Bayit: Your Jewish Home, blogger at Velveteen Rabbi, and Rabbi at Congregation Beth Israel in North Adams, MA, as we talk about her experience of life as a religious minority. Hear about h...

Ben Yosua-Davis B-Side: Our Dream Podcast Guests
January 30, 2018

Join us for a little more of our conversation between Beth Estock and Ben Yosua-Davis, where talks about his dream guests for season three. If you haven't heard our full conversation, subscribe to us with your favorite podcast delivery service or visit...

Ben Yosua-Davis – The Spiritual Topography of our Religious Pioneers
January 23, 2018

Join us for our first conversation of season three, where Beth Estock talks with Reports host Ben Yosua-Davis. Hear them discuss the spiritual topography of our religious pioneers (5:00), how spiritual pioneers can call their traditions back to the bes...

Steve North – Wrecked for Normal Church
December 06, 2017

Join us for a conversation with Steve North, long-time missional pastor of Lifeline Toledo. Hear about why he's persisted in his work through all the ups and downs (including having his house burn down twice,) how meeting a homeless poet turned into a ...

Laura and Jaybee Byrch- Claiborne Again, Wish Dreams, and Books that Change Your Life (B-Side)
November 03, 2017

Join us for a little more of our conversation with Laura and Jaybee Byrch, where they talk about their contact with the neo-monastics and what books have changed their life. You can hear our full conversation at or

Laura and Jaybee Byrch- Living in Jesus’ Neighborhood
October 27, 2017

Join us for a conversation with everyday saints Laura and Jaybee Byrch, who live in Bradford Trailer Park in Boone, North Caroline. Hear about the daily rhythms of their lives, as they build community and learn about Jesus' from the neighbors. You can ...

Sean Steele – The Economics of God and What He Doesn't Know Yet
October 17, 2017

Join us for a little more of our conversation with Sean Steele, of Saint Isidore’s Episcopal Church, as he talks about how they measure their community’s impact and what he doesn’t know yet. You can find the full episode by visiting our Facebook page o...

Sean Steele – The Offensive Generosity of God
October 13, 2017

Join us for a conversation with Sean Steele, priest at Saint Isidore's Episcopal Church, a network of "sacramental communities" in Houston, TX. Hear him share about the theophany that began his journey of faith, what it means to create brave space for ...