Renew Your Thinking

Renew Your Thinking

Latest Episodes

From Eve to Mary- Episode 009
December 20, 2019

Mary was truly remarkable. Sovereignly chosen by God to bear the Christ child, from among all of the women who had ever been born, she was the one who brought our Redeemer, the Messiah into the world. Mary was an ordinary human being,

From Eve to Mary- Episode 008
December 16, 2019

Bathsheba's story reminds us of the kindness and mercy of God Who blesses us in our lives. Even though there may be tragic consequences to our actions, God will forgive when we truly repent and turn to Him for comfort and restoration.

From Eve to Mary – Episode 007
November 16, 2019

Ruth was rewarded for her faithfulness with a godly mother-in-law, a godly husband, and a son who who would continue the line of ancestors for the Lord Jesus.

From Eve to Mary- Episode 006
November 06, 2019

Rahab is one of two women named in Hebrews 11 as an example of godly faith. What happened in this life of a one-time harlot to make her faith become acceptable to God and an encouragement to others?

From Eve to Mary- Episode 005
June 28, 2019

Tamar has been misunderstood. She was an outsider who was deeply loyal to God and to the family she married into. She was chosen by God to be in the lineage of His Son despite her sin.