Renegade Files

Renegade Files

Conspiracies, Paranormal Experiences, and 2 Years of RF - RF050

September 22, 2023

This is Renegade Files Episode 50, Conspiracies, Paranormal Experiences, and 2 Years of Renegade Files.


And once again we find ourselves at the Pagan Holiday of Mabon, The Autumn Equinox, and another year of Renegade Files cases locked in the black cabinet. This show marks our 2 year anniversary and in honor of that occasion, I offer you the Renegade Files Pledge…


I pledge allegiance, to the truth, and the weird world of Renegade Files, and to the Alternative, for which it stands, One Nation, Undercover, Invisible, with Conspiracies, and the Paranormal for all.


Thank you so much for helping the show make it this far and for exploring with me the bizarre realms of Paranormal Experiences, Unsolved Mysteries, and Covert Culture. I’m your host Lex Gordon coming to you from The Jungle Villa Outpost, Deep in the Uncharted Tropics.


This episode is unscripted and a bit looser because of it, but you can still count on a good time. As a general outline, I’m gonna do this is three parts. First I’ll go over some of the highlights and numbers from our second season and year two of the podcast, nothing too tedious…. Plus I’ll give you some stats for the show and my goals and general ideas for the coming year.


In the second part of this episode I want to tell you a few stories from my own paranormal or unexplained experiences. So, good stuff that I’ve never shared on air before.


Then in the last section we’re gonna dive into my Conspiracy State of the Union address.


So stick with me until the end and we’ll have some good, old fashioned, weird-style fun.







Music Licensing:

Theme Song: “Steve’s Djembe” by Vani, FMA, licensed: Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 License.


“Radius Point” by Flow Lab Cult, DV8NOW Records, licensed: Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License.