Renal Diet HQ Podcast - Renal Diet HQ
Renal Diet Headquarters Podcast 008 - Interview with Gail Rae Garwood
Welcome to the Renal Diet Headquarters Podcast, episode #8.
We are publishing this on February 12, 2014.
This week I spent some time talking about some personal tragedy and triumph related to heart disease. And how you can improve your chances of survival.
This week, I interviewed Gail Rae Garwood, from and talked about her chronic kidney disease. Gail describes how her history let to her developing a unique program that helps people recognize and work to slow down the progression of kidney failure. She talks alot about her personal experiences, and how they shape her future.
She has a great story about how you can do anything if you are passionate about it. If you felt angry about your diagnosis or worried about when you might die, Gail’s story will help you to understand why you felt that way.
This week I talked about my book on Heart Healthy Living with Kidney Disease:
Email me at with suggestions, and if you know someone who you would love me to interview. Let me know.
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