Remove the Guesswork: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing for Busy Professionals

Remove the Guesswork: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing for Busy Professionals

Latest Episodes

Ep. 12: Recovering from burnout and becoming more self-aware with Sam Brown
September 06, 2017

Sam Brown is a highly successful Partner at a City law firm. Last year, she suffered from professional breakdown – a result of prolonged overwork and increasing levels of chronic stress. Eventually Sam recovered and is now back at work but not before...

Ep. 11: How to maximise the time you have for exercise and tips for staying motivated
August 30, 2017

In this solo show, Leanne break down what fitness is and how you can overcome the main challenges that people face in getting fit and then maintaining good fitness – time, lack of knowledge and motivation and purpose.

Ep. 10: Good mental hygiene, courageous leadership and addressing the stigma of mental health in the workplace with Geoff McDonald
August 23, 2017

My guest this week is Geoff McDonald. Geoff is the former Global VP for Marketing, Communications, Sustainability & Talent at Unilever, and now defines his purpose as addressing and ending the stigma of depression and anxiety in the workplace and helpi...

Ep. 9: Disconnect & Reconnect: The Practice of Hygge, Taking Time Out in Nature and Giving Yourself Some Headspace
August 16, 2017

This is a solo show this week as Leanne takes herself off for 3 days away in a Nature Reserve in Kent to practice Hygge, a Danish word for “the intimate and cosy feeling associated with the simple pleasures in life”. In this episode,

Bonus episode – how to move away from destructive behaviours and change the way you live your life
August 14, 2017

: IN November 2016, my friend Dawn decided she’d had enough of making bad choices, being unable to remember what she said or texted, losing a whole weekend to a Friday night and allowing her self-esteem to be crushed.