Remove the Guesswork: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing for Busy Professionals

267|My Story from Burnout to Bodyshot
This week we’re talking about going from burnout to Bodyshot.
Topics Discussed In This Episode:
When Leanne realized her career in the city was over.
What she became jaded about and how this ties into feeling a lack of authenticity.
The Greek myth of Sisyphus and how this relates to Leanne’s experience.
The amount of alcohol Leanne used just to cope with the stress of each day.
What rock bottom actually looked like for her.
The two things Leanne has always been interested in, despite her resistance.
What Leanne learned during the process of changing careers.
Why recovery is as important as training.
How coming up with the concept of a business athlete sets Bodyshot Performance apart from their competitors.
Why seeing yourself as a business athlete is important.
Key Takeaways:
Leanne gets asked a lot about her story and her journey, which is why she is sharing it today.
Leanne was drawn to the lifestyle, money, and prestige of working in London - until it didn’t feel good anymore (lack of fulfillment and authenticity).
This lack of fulfillment led Leanne into feeling tired, irritable, burnt out, and self-medicating with alcohol to deal with it.
When Leanne resigned from her job she had nowhere to go and nothing to fall back on, but she was free to make a decision about her next steps.
Leanne realized she was ignoring the signals her body was sending to encourage her to go in a different direction.
Despite the way she had been living, Leanne knew she always loved business and fitness, and combined these two passions by creating Bodyshot Performance.
Even elite athletes know the importance of recovery for overall performance.
You need to figure out how you can see yourself as a business athlete so you can have health and longevity both personally and professionally.
Action Steps:
Thinking you might need a change? Ask yourself...
1. Do you feel like you’re living authentically?
2. Is what you’re doing fulfilling you?
3. How much resistance are you practicing against your inner physical, mental, and emotional needs?
Leanne said:
“I walked over the bridge, I got on the train, I squeezed myself into the carriage (ignoring the smell of people’s breath and body odour), and walked home at the other side, and stood in front of the mirror and took a good hard look at myself. And what I saw there was someone who was chronically abusing alcohol, at least two stone overweight, and burnt out. It was at that point I realized ‘you have got to do something drastic here.’”
“You can’t keep encountering so much resistance in your life. I felt resistance in just about everything I was doing, and it’s so much energy to pull against that resistance.”
Links To Things Mentioned In The Podcast:
Leanne’s TEDx talk:
Take our Wellbeing at Work Scorecard and see how your organisations wellbeing strategy scores against 4 key areas of wellbeing. You’ll receive a free highly personalised report with actionable insights.
If you’re interested in finding out what your health IQ is, take the Health IQ test, and get a free 39-page report built around our six signals, which are sleep, mental health, energy, body composition, digestion, and fitness.
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As always, if you would like to register your interest in some of the ideas that I’m putting together with Bodyshot Performance, send an email to