Remove the Guesswork: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing for Busy Professionals
258|The Secret to Consistency
This week we’re talking about consistency
Topics Discussed In This Episode:
The importance of consistency.
The common mistakes that people make to sabotage their own ability to be consistent.
What can help you form consistency in any aspect of your life.
What consistency is essentially all about.
What it means to make something non-negotiable.
Examples of what might be non-negotiables in your life.
Leanne’s non-negotiables.
How to create your own non-negotiables based on your goals.
What the acronym KISS stands for and how it relates to consistency.
They key to creating impact.
Why it’s important to understand health fundamentals.
How to use intersections and merge important aspects of your health together.
What stacking is and how to do it.
Why you need to have a strong motivating factor.
Key Takeaways:
There is no great secret to consistency. It comes down to small, boring habits repeated often.
Weaving healthy habits into your lifestyle can be tricky because you need the energy, time, motivation, and the incentive.
Consistency comes down to frequency and repetition.
Understanding your non-negotiables is the key to maintaining consistency in your health and wellness.
Don’t over complicate your non-negotiables - aim for four max to keep it manageable.
The secret is in keeping it simple. Don’t get caught up in biohacking and testing. It’s the small things that lead to great impact.
Intersections, such as merging listening to an educational podcast while exercising, can help you stay consistent and also keep healthy habits fun.
Small repetitions add up. Take the moments you have when you can to work towards your goal, whether that’s just before bed or while the kettle is boiling.
Action Steps:
If you want to increase your consistency:
1. Create non-negotiables. Aim for four health non-negotiables and stick to them daily.
2. Keep it simple. Don’t over complicate things. Keep your non-negotiables straightforward and easy to execute.
3. Intersections. Try merging important aspects of your health together to increase effective use of your time and keep it fun.
4. Stacking. Don’t feel like you have to do it all at once. Meet your goals in small steps throughout the day, if needed.
5. Have a strong motivating factor. Whether it’s a drive for greater longevity or a recent health scare, get anchored to what will keep you going when consistency feels difficult.
Leanne said:
“I’d summarize the next ten minutes with one thing: it’s small, boring stuff done often. That is essentially what consistency is all about.”
“Little changes, when combined with time, that’s what creates impact. That’s what creates consistency. So, keep it simple. Keep the non-negotiables simple. Keep all the other stuff simple.”
Links To Things Mentioned In The Podcast:
Take our Wellbeing at Work Scorecard and see how your organisations wellbeing strategy scores against 4 key areas of wellbeing. You’ll receive a free highly personalised report with actionable insights.
If you’re interested in finding out what your health IQ is, take the Health IQ test, and get a free 39-page report built around our six signals, which are sleep, mental health, energy, body composition, digestion, and fitness.
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