Remove the Guesswork: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing for Busy Professionals

Remove the Guesswork: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing for Busy Professionals

208|We're Back! The Future of Work

June 06, 2020

What do you think work will look like in the future? As we’re living in these interesting times with the global pandemic, I share my thoughts on what I think the future of work will be.

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Topics Discussed in this Episode:

  • The future of work

  • The 3 categories of people

  • What’s required of pure remote working

  • The benefits of remote working

Key Takeaways:

  • With the global pandemic happening, most of us are working from home. Organizations have put people on furlough, doing restructures, and thinking about how can we get back to a new semblance of normality or how can we move into the next phase of recovery. We’ve been through a living experiment designed to find out whether or not people can work productively, fruitfully, and happily from home.

  • People will fall into three categories:

  1. People who work flexibly

  2. Pure remote workers

  3. Office-based workers

  • The criteria you need to meet for pure remote working:

  1. You’ll need to have been with the company for a certain amount of time

  2. You’ll have to have good performance reviews

  3. Your team will need to support remote working

  • We may have struck a better work-life blend. Most people thrive from a greater sense of autonomy, and there’s more variety.

  • Companies that clearly articulate their values and their purpose and have wellbeing firmly embedded into those two things are organizations that are going to stand out and thrive.

Action Steps:

  • Think about the category that you fall into when it comes to working.

  • Don’t miss the chance to reset. Start to do things differently.

  • If your pattern of work has changed, don’t go back to your old habits.

  • Think about what you want to keep about this new way of working, what you want to develop, and what you’re going to get rid of.

Leanne said:

“I think ultimately this gives us a really wonderful chance to reset, us individually and our HR teams, and our leaders in our organizations. I really don’t want us to sleep-walk through this opportunity.”

“For me and my wellbeing, autonomy is absolutely key, and that we’ve got more. Organizations have had to trust us that we can work effectively… and that autonomy is very important for how we feel about ourselves, our wellbeing, our mental health, and our self-esteem.”

If you’re interested in finding out what your health IQ is, take the Health IQ test to find out, and get a free 39-page report built around our six signals, which are sleep, mental health, energy, body composition, digestion, and fitness.

What are your thoughts on overworking? Jump on to social media and let us know what you think or email me at

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Remove the Guesswork BOOK by Leanne Spencer
Rise and Shine BOOK by Leanne Spencer

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