Remove the Guesswork: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing for Busy Professionals

Remove the Guesswork: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing for Busy Professionals

156| Recovering From Depression Using Integrative Medicine and Going Back to Basics with Psychiatrist, Author and Functional Medicine Professional Dr Brian Brown

September 11, 2019


How can you overcome depression with the help of integrative medicine? Founder of Optimal You, Dr. Brian Brown shares how he overcame his own health issues and how he's been helping CEOs achieve optimal wellness by going back to the basics.

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Topics Discussed in this Episode:

  • How Dr. Brown overcame his own health issues

  • The first steps to healing

  • The significance of the adrenal glands to your health, specifically to the health of your nervous system

  • What happens when you don't drink enough water

  • The de novo pathway


Key Takeaways:

  • Around age 32 for men and age 35 for women, we start having a 1% - 2% per year decline in hormone activity.

  • The adrenal glands' primary function is to release adrenaline when the body needs it in the fight or flight mechanism.

  • The problem is when you constantly dump adrenaline all the time, you get a release of cortisol that comes right behind it.

  • The things that stimulate our adrenals nowadays are the things we eat and drink, things like alcohol and sugar.

  • If you're not hydrating enough, your brain cuts off your natural thirst drive. When you start drinking water, you naturally develop a thirst for more water.

  • If you don't drink enough water, you get toxically loaded.

  • Drinking 3 to 4 liters of water per day is one of the best anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications that you can give your body.


Action Steps:

  • When it comes to healing yourself, start with the basics: eat correctly and exercise. Next, make sure you're drinking enough water.


Dr. Brian Brown said:

"You have to start with the basics. You have to take care of yourself. You have to start eating correctly, eating clean organic foods, and you have to exercise... those will help the adrenals start to repair. Those will help the hormones to get back in balance."


"Integrative medicine simply means that we don't throw away traditional medicine. It's the blending of the two. It's a blending of functional medicine plus traditional medicine."


Thanks for listening!

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Links to things mentioned in the show:


More from Dr. Brian Brown:

Dr. Brown's Website

Dr. Brown's Facebook

Dr. Brown's Twitter (@drbriangbrown)

Dr. Brown's Podcast (The Optimal CEO)

Dr. Brown's YouTube Channel

Dr. Brown's LinkedIn


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