Remove the Guesswork: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing for Busy Professionals

Remove the Guesswork: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing for Busy Professionals

154| The Benefits of Personalised Blood Testing for Optimal Wellbeing with Sarah Bolt of Forth With Life

September 04, 2019

What is personalised blood testing? How does it work and who is it for? Sarah Bolt, the founder of the personalised at-home blood testing service company called Forth With Life, shares how her passion for healthcare drove her to create the company. She talks about wanting to build a career around something more purposeful that was predicated around wellbeing, and how the idea for the business came about.


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Topics Discussed in this Episode:

  • How Sarah came up with the idea that is now Forth With Life

  • How Forth With Life started and what they do

  • How they do personalised blood testing at Forth With Life

  • Working with a clinical scientist to identify what biomarkers would be most relevant for people

  • What biomarker tracking is for and why it's important

  • Who personalised blood testing is for

  • Why personalised blood testing is important

  • How we use our blood testing results

  • What's new in the market

  • What's next for Forth


Key Takeaways:

  • A lot of how people's attitudes toward healthcare were changing can be attributed to the explosion of wearables and apps. These things engaged people in their health in the way that they never had been before.

  • Forth has taken the idea of blood testing to the digital age and created a very engaging dashboard that helps people to understand their health, their bodies, and what all these biomarkers are about.

  • The way that you talk about biomarkers to athletes is very different from when you talk to someone who is just looking to improve their general wellbeing.

  • With athletes, what you're looking to do with biomarker tracking is to gain insight into managing training load, recovery, and nutrition, and getting the balance right between those three.

  • People who are engaged in their health are people who are interested in their diet. They want to eat more healthily and they want to feel as good as they can for as long as they can. They have taken an active interest in their bodies and are more likely to exercise.

  • The beauty of personalisation and why tracking your biomarkers is so beneficial is because once you identify what your normal is, you can then identify when that significantly changes.


Action Steps:

  • Consider doing personalised blood testing and tracking your biomarkers.

  • Look at your key markers around your diet, your micronutrients, around your cardiovascular health, and around your stress levels.


Sarah said:

"That is where the future is, is gaining this data on our body, on our own biochemistry so we can head off problems further down the line."

"It's about making a positive behaviour change and actually improving your health. And I think the first step to making that change is understanding. So for us, the platform that we built and the app was about communicating scientific data in a really human way, to make it as easy to understand as possible."


Thanks for listening!


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Links to things mentioned in the show:

  • Forth With Life - Use the code bodper10 for 10% of any test (except Baseline or Baseline Plus) or code bodyshot10 for 5% off Baseline and Baseline Plus


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