Remove the Guesswork: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing for Busy Professionals

Remove the Guesswork: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing for Busy Professionals

147| Insights: My Weekend of Descheduling

August 10, 2019


Have you ever tried descheduling your day? In this Insights episode, I share about the things I did when I descheduled my weekend and focused on getting better and doing restorative, relaxing things.

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Topics Discussed in this Episode:

  • Descheduling my weekend

  • The things I did and how much better I feel

  • What I did as a form of active rest

  • The concept of the business athlete


Key Takeaways:

  • Our energies sojourn from the same place.

  • The majority of us are overscheduled. We have too much going on, we don't pay enough attention to the signals that our bodies are sending us, and we don't factor in enough rest and recovery.

  • Despite what you might think, a healthy heart does not have a regular interbeat interval but an irregular one.

  • Generally speaking, the more irregular the interbeat interval, the healthier the heart.

  • The business athlete will peak and deload and their schedule will flex according to what they've got on.


Action Steps:

  • Give descheduling a try and do relaxing, restorative things.

  • If you've had a busy week, look at the weekend you've got planned and take something out of that weekend just to give yourself a little bit of an opportunity to recover.


Leanne said:

"We have too much going on, we don't pay enough attention to the signals that our bodies are sending us, and we don't factor in enough rest and recovery."

"Once in a while, take stuff out of the schedule."


Thanks for listening!

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Links to things mentioned in the show:


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Remove the Guesswork BOOK by Leanne Spencer
Rise and Shine BOOK by Leanne Spencer

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