Remove the Guesswork: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing for Busy Professionals

Remove the Guesswork: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing for Busy Professionals

85 |What the EMF From Our Mobile Phones, TVs and Tablets Is Doing to Our Health with Lucy Blyth of Energy Dots

January 02, 2019

What is EMF and how does it impact our health? Lucy Blyth of Energy Dots shares her knowledge about the subject and how we can protect ourselves from EMF.

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Topics Discussed in this Episode:

  • What is EMF

  • The effects of EMF on the human body

  • What devices release EMF

  • The thermal and nonthermal biological effects of EMF

  • The purpose of Energy Dots and how they work

Key Takeaways:

  • EMF stands for electromagnetic field and all of our much-loved, much-needed gadgets all emit artificial EMF.

  • The World Health Organisation has stated that these electromagnetic fields that we get from all of our devices are a class 2B carcinogen.

  • Exposure to EMF can be quite detrimental to our reproductive health.

  • Thermal heating from mobile phones is strongly linked to brain tumors.

  • The EMF that phones are giving off is non-ionising radiation, which affects us at a cellular level.

Action Steps:

  • Use headphones or earphones and keep your mobile phone away from your head.

  • Put your phone in flight mode as much as you can.

  • Turn your WiFi off at night and turn it on during the day only when you really need it.

  • Get all of your technology out of your bedroom at night if you can.

  • Turn as many gadgets off as you can at night.

  • Don’t use your laptop on your lap. Try and keep some distance between your laptop and your body.

  • Try to keep your phone at least a foot away from you when you’re not using it.

  • Use the speakerphone unless you’re in public.

  • Reduce the impact of EMF by using Energy Dots on your devices.

Lucy said:

“With most health issues, you decide what you eat, you decide whether you go to the gym or walk on the beach or do yoga, whatever. When it comes to our energy wellbeing or energetic health, we’ve lost control of all choice.”

“We are electromagnetic beings. You can measure the electricity of the heart and the brain… But all of these artificial fields that we now have around us actually have a huge effect on the human body.”

Thanks for listening!

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If you’ve enjoyed what you’ve heard on this episode and it’s added value to you, share the episode with someone you think could benefit from it. And don’t forget to leave a rating or a review and subscribe on Apple Podcasts.

Links to things we discuss in the show:

  • Apple EMF statement

More from Lucy Blyth and Energy Dots:

Lucy’s Email

Energy Dots’ Website

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Energy Dots’ Instagram (@energydots)

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Remove the Guesswork BOOK by Leanne Spencer
Rise and Shine BOOK by Leanne Spencer


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