Remove the Guesswork: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing for Busy Professionals

Remove the Guesswork: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing for Busy Professionals

Bonus Episode - The psychology of emotional eating and facing up to your limiting beliefs with psychotherapist Orion Peterson

March 17, 2018

: I’m really interested in psychology and what drives our actions and behaviours so this episode with my good friend Orion Peterson was fascinating and enjoyable to record. We discuss the psychology of emotional eating, as it’s something I think we all do on some level, and try and unpick what drives that and how we can change the thoughts and feelings we experience before the act of eating (or whatever it is you’re doing – drinking, taking drugs, gambling and so on). We also discuss limiting beliefs, and how to first become aware of them before ultimately trying to overcome them. If you have questions for Orion, let me know or send him an email directly to and he’ll get back to you. Enjoy the show!

Links to things we discuss in the show:

The Body Keeps the Score BOOK

Orion’s website

Orion’s email:

Useful links:

Six Signals® eLearning Course: health, fitness and wellbeing for busy professionals

Bodyshot Performance website

Bodyshot Performance Limited Facebook page

Remove the Guesswork BOOK by Leanne Spencer

Rise and Shine BOOK by Leanne Spencer


For sponsorship opportunities please send an email to

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