Remove the Guesswork: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing for Busy Professionals

Remove the Guesswork: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing for Busy Professionals

Ep. 33: How to be fit for the rigours of business with Nick Elvery

January 31, 2018

Nick Elvery is a Peak Performance Coach with an amazing back story. Having been expelled from school, he left at 17 and took on a series of odd jobs before sinking into a 12 year drug and alcohol addiction. After hundreds of failed attempts to get clean and sober, Nick had the tenacity to keep trying until he was able to overcome the destructive forces of addiction and get on with his life. It’s a great story, and his experiences inform a lot of the work he does now. Nick works with stressed out and overwhelmed entrepreneurs who want to get back in control of their business and their lives. In this episode we talk about Nick’s story, what kind of challenges his clients face and how he helps them solve them, and what it takes to be fit for the rigours of modern life and business. If you’re an entrepreneur, this is definitely worth listening to.

Links to things we discuss in the show:

Daily Habits website

Nick Elvery website

Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson

Sleep by Nick Littlehales

Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker

Blue Zones by Dan Buettner

My episode on Nick’s show Daily Habits


TED Talk by Susan Pinker: The Secret to Living Longer May Be Your Social Life

Useful links:

Six Signals® eLearning Course: health, fitness and wellbeing for busy professionals -

DNA test -

Bodyshot Performance website –

Bodyshot Performance Limited Facebook page:

Remove the Guesswork BOOK by Leanne Spencer -

Rise and Shine BOOK by Leanne Spencer -


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