Remove the Guesswork: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing for Busy Professionals

Remove the Guesswork: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing for Busy Professionals

Ep. 31: How to make your resolutions last and the seven secrets of a successful health transformation with Leanne Spencer

January 17, 2018

January is that time of year where many of us intend to emerge from the Christmas and New Year holidays full of good intentions and fresh ideas for how to improve ourselves in the next twelve months. Unfortunately, New Year’s resolutions are valiantly made, but seldom kept. Why is it that some people manage to transform their health and others don’t? There are lots of things that can scupper your good intentions, irrespective of how motivated you are at the outset. There are also a few strategies that you can use to help you reach your goals. Bodyshot have worked with hundreds of clients over the last few years, and we’ve observed the differences between those who success and those who don’t. Here’s what you need to consider if you want to reach a successful outcome

Things we discuss in the show:

Six Signals® eLearning Course: health, fitness and wellbeing for busy professionals -

Link to apply for The Green Room membership:

What’s your health IQ? Take our short test:

Link to podcast with Dominique Drayson -

Link to video on how to make your resolutions last -

Link to three powerful questions about INTENT -

Useful links:

DNA test -

Bodyshot Performance website –

Bodyshot Performance Limited Facebook page:

Remove the Guesswork BOOK by Leanne Spencer -

Rise and Shine BOOK by Leanne Spencer -

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