Remove the Guesswork: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing for Busy Professionals

Ep. 14: Why we shouldn’t fear fat and personalising your nutrition
In this solo episode, Leanne delves into new research published by McMaster University in August 2017 about a large study that has just been done. The findings of the study indicate that people who consumed more dietary fat (and at least 3.5 portions of veg a day) had a lower risk of death than those who cut fat from their diet. These findings support other studies done over the last two decades, but fly in the face of the perceived wisdom about fat – many of us still seek low-fat options whilst overconsuming refined carbohydrates. Leanne explores why this is, explains why dietary fat is vital for our diets and advises on how to include it in your diet as part of a personalised nutrition program.
Things we discuss in the show:
McMaster research article -
DNA test -
Blog post on why exercise isn’t the most effective way to lose weight -
Useful links:
What’s your health IQ? Take our short test:
Bodyshot Performance website –
Remove the Guesswork BOOK by Leanne Spencer -
Rise and Shine BOOK by Leanne Spencer -