Religious Faith and the Public Square

Religious Faith and the Public Square

Latest Episodes

Politics and Religion in the USA
December 14, 2017

There can be little argument that religion does not play a significant role in the political arena in the U.S. today.

Relativism and Truth
December 07, 2017

A fair number of Americans today subscribe to the loose collection of ideas called Relativism.

Science and Religion
November 30, 2017

There is a popular notion today that Science and Religion are at odds if not hostile to each other. Historical evidence indicates that not only is this in error, the opposite is true.

Role of the Catholic Parish in the Public Square
November 16, 2017

It will deal with 3 Questions: 1. What is the purpose of a parish in the Mission of the church as a whole?

Introduction to host and Value of Human Life
November 09, 2017

I thought I would introduce myself to the listeners & use that as a way of outlining some of the life lessons I've learned that most people can identify with.