Relic: The Lost Treasure Podcast

Relic: The Lost Treasure Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 26 – Season Finale Part 2: Blood of the Grail
May 24, 2018

The adventure comes to a conclusion with Relic’s season finale. No other lost treasure has captivated the minds of artists and treasure hunters alike than the Holy Grail. Said to have been the goblet that Jesus drank from at the Last Supper,

Minisode – Who Gets Solved Next? A Talk With 5 True Crime Podcasts
May 17, 2018

Hear what happens when I hang out with my Podcast friends! This is a sample of some more “off the beaten path,” exclusive content you can expect when you donate $5 to the Relic Patreon at In this half hour minisode,

Episode 25 – Season Finale Part 1: Brood of the Gods
May 10, 2018

The first part of Relic’s season finale! If you’ve watched any science fiction or adventure movie in the last 20 years, you may be aware of a certain fantasy/sci fi trope: Nazis channeling the forces of the paranormal to help satisfy their goals.

Episode 24 – Yamashita’s Gold
April 26, 2018

During World War II, the Japanese amassed their hoard of stolen wealth primarily on the Philippine island of Luzon. After the war, rumors began to emerge that a general by the name of Tomoyuki Yamashita had buried most of the loot in unspecified locati...

Episode 23 – Adventurous Women
April 22, 2018

Joined by Courtney of The Cult of Domesticity podcast, we examine the exciting lives of three of history’s most awesome (but sadly not always recognized) adventuresses: Bessie Coleman, the first African American and American Indian aviatrix; Lady Hesth...

Episode 22 – It Belongs in a Museum! The Pages of History
April 05, 2018

Content Warning: A short, non-descriptive mention of a sexual assault in a historical context. Because of the efforts of scribes and scholars, we are still able to take a look into the past and know where we came from.

Episode 21 – The Highest Grave
March 22, 2018

Due to some scheduling conflicts, we had to switch some things up a bit for this episode. But never fear! You (and by that I mean the audience) got to vote on a shorter episode for this week. And you all chose…the mysteries behind the dead bodies left ...

Episode 20 – Truth to Dust
March 08, 2018

Legend has it, that when the Jews of Prague were threatened by anti-Semitic violence, a great Rabbi, possessing the knowledge of alchemy and the Kabbalah, conjured up a golem to defend the city. For decades,

Episode 19 - A Tale of Two Swords
February 22, 2018

The ancient chronicles of Japan speak of a sword called Kusanagi, an enchanted blade wielded by the gods and handed down to their descendants. Allegedly hidden in a shrine and only called upon during the Emperor’s coronation,

Episode 18 – Werewolf
February 08, 2018

Warning: This episodes does not contain actual werewolves. A lake. A train. A tragedy at sea. A message in a music score. This episode examines four mysteries surrounding the Nazi’s final ploy: the secreting of billions of assets,