Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne

Episode 216: When Your Spouse Doesn't See a Problem

May 07, 2024

One of the most common questions I get asked is "what do you do when your spouse doesn't see the problems in your marriage?" Today I'm answering that question in detail with exactly what will help you move forward to have a better experience in your marriage.

Inside this episode you will understand WHY your spouse may have a blind spot, and how you can think about it in a way that leads to less frustration and disappointment, and actually helps you to connect with them and understand them better.

You'll also receive practical guidance for what you can do to get started creating positive shifts on your own.

At the end, you can expect your marriage to be better, or you will have the clarity you need to understand if your spouse is someone you can truly be happy with.

Tune in for this very real and honest conversation.

Also mentioned in this episode:

Communication Styles Masterclass - if you missed this value-packed training that outlined the 4 most common unhealthy communication styles and the 3 most important characeriistics of healthy communication, you can catch the replay here:

And if you want to have my direct help and support, walking you through the process shared in this podcast episode, I invite you to schedule a private consultation call with me where we will discuss options for how we can work together. Book your call here.