Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne

Episode 202: The Power of a Challenge

January 30, 2024

Today we are talking about challenges - specifically, when you commit to a certain set of actions for a defined period of time in order to achieve an important goal.

Challenges can really support you in creating positive change in your life. And at this point in the year, you may have lost sight of a goal, or fallen out of the habits you are looking to change. This episode will give you the boost of motivation you need to get back on track.

I'm sharing 3 different types ways to do a challenge, and why they work so well to help you uplevel the way you show up to achieve what you want.

Marriage Challenges are an major component of my program, The Marriage UpGrade, and my clients are having massive success changing their patterns and becoming better partners to each other.

Tune in now and follow along to create your own challenge. You'll be so proud of who you become and the ways your life and marriage get better.

Also mentioned in this episode, The Marriage UpGrade is open for Pre-enrollment this week. This is my 6 month signature group coaching program for couples. If you are ready to stop arguing, recover quickly from conflict, and truly solve some of your long-standing issues for good, this is the program to help you. Learn more and sign up here: The Marriage UpGrade
