Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne

Episode 187 Dealing with a Defensive Spouse

October 17, 2023

If it feels hard to talk to your spouse without them getting defensive, then this podcast episode is for you.

One of the most common questions I get it this: "What do you do when you spouse is so defensive every time you bring certain things up?"

I'm answering this question directly and sharing with you my 4-step Defensiveness Protocol for navigating this situation in your conversations.

You'll learn exactly how to think about your spouse's defensiveness in a way that leave you feeling less offended and frustrated.

You'll know how to respond to them better, and also how to address your needs that are likely not being heard in the moment.

This is an episode you will return to again and again.

Also mentioned in this episode:

Marriage Coach Mondays - my new 10-week free Marriage Coaching Call. Dial in directly and speak with me about any marriage related question and issue you want help with. It's a simple conference call, you can be anonymous, and get as much help as you need between now and December 18th. Meet me every Monday at 12noon EST and dial: 669-274-9890

Private coaching with me - if you, or you and your spouse would like support improving your communication, breaking unhealthy patterns of interacting, and reconnecting and feeling like a happy, close couple again, I can definitely help you. Schedule a complimentary consultation call with me to talk about working together in my 6-month highly supportive private coaching program. Details can be found here: