Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne

Episode 185: Stages of Change

October 03, 2023

No matter what area of your life or marriage you'd like to improve, you will go through a predictable set of steps to making changes and then ultimately making the shifts your new reality. In this episode of the podcast, I break down what those steps are, what you can expect to experience and how to move yourself along with the right mindset.

You'll learn what keeps us from making positive changes in the first place, how looking toward your future self can help inspire action now, and how to set yourself up for success even when it feels like you are "failing."

If there is any area you want to be better or different in your life right now, this episode will give you the perspective you need to understand where you are, and to ultimately move yourself forward toward what you desire to create.

Also mentioned in this episode is my new Masterclass: Unbothered: How to be Less Reactive Toward Your Spouse. it's happening Wednesday, October 4th at 6pm EST. Sign up here for free:

If you can't make it live, there will be a replay.
