All Things Marriage with Dr. Chavonne

Episode 177: How to Stop Ruminating
If your brain takes off down the negative thinking rabbit hole, this episode is for you. We are diving into the topic of rumination. If you struggle with this, I want to offer your comfort and solutions.
Rumination is something to understand, have compassion for, and then gently redirect your mind to focus on thoughts that serve you and help you enjoy your life and marriage more.
In this episode, I dive into the 4 ways we ruminate, the specific reasons why it happens, and a 5 step process to address the rumination happening in your own mind.
And if you are looking for professional help in your life or marriage right now, I invite you to schedule a complimentary consultation with me. This is a call where we explore if working together is a good fit. You will share what you'd like to change and I'll detail the exact process I will use to support you in your goals. To book your call, CLICK HERE