Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne

Love Marriage Again with Dr. Chavonne

Episode 169: Biased Perspectives

June 27, 2023

The beliefs you adopt about your spouse, your marriage, and yourself matter. They create a lens by which you see everything you experience.

Many times when I'm working with couples, they have biased perspectives. They hold on to disappointments and frustrations of the past, and bring them into their present-day interactions.

They focus on what their spouse is doing wrong rather than taking personal responsibility.

They stay stuck re-hashing the problem instead of focusing on solutions.

In this episode, I dive into each of these topics and share how and why they keep you stuck feeling annoyed, frustrated, and unhappy.

I share with you some solutions and new perspectives to adopt so that you are more open, and available to actually experiencing more of the marriage you want.

Also mentioned in this episode is The Marriage UpGrade, my signature couples coaching program to help you and your spouse get along better as a couple, improve your communication, and operate as a more united and collaborative team.

To learn more, visit: