Reinvention Radio

Reinvention Radio


September 03, 2021

John Lee Dumas grew up in a small town of about 2,000 in Maine, wanting to go to college, but didn’t have funding, so joined the Army ROTC. With the help of the service, John earned a degree, and served as an officer in the Army, completing a 13-month tour of duty in Iraq as an Armor Platoon Leader.  After leaving the service, he wanted to be an attorney, so enrolled in law school, but didn’t make it through a semester of law school before dropping out.  Bottom line is that he was born to be an entrepreneur like his Dad.
John loved podcasts and listened to them regularly, quickly realizing that he could do the same, and that there wasn’t a podcast out there interviewing successful entrepreneurs, so he created one. His was the first daily podcast, telling stories of entrepreneurial journeys. EOFire (Entrepreneur on Fire) was launched on September 22, 2012.  His recipe for success is: Create free, valuable, and consistent content.  The community he has built from the podcast he calls Fire Nation. That community has also been the catalyst for his other communities and online training programs, Podcasters’ Paradise, WebinarOnFire, and The Fire Path.
John’s definition of success is different than when he first became and entrepreneur. In the early days, he considered success to be able to pay the bills doing something he enjoyed. Today’s definition of success is simply… freedom. Freedom of location, freedom of lifestyle, and financial freedom.
John has interviewed such entrepreneurs as Tony Robbins, Seth Godin, Gary Vaynerchuk, Barbara Corcoran, Tim Ferriss, Brian Tracy, and over 1500 others. The show was named Best of iTunes in 2013. EOFire generates 7 figures in revenue annually and Dumas continues to openly share his income breakdown in a monthly report on his site, verified by a CPA.
TUNE IN to this episode as John chats with Steve, Mary and Richard about his entrepreneurial journey and guiding others to do the same.



In This Episode

Life as a kid in small town Maine with an entrepreneurial Dad
Financial transparency with children teaches responsibility
Podcasters and You Tubers understand collaboration
People listen to an average of 7 podcasts a week – what makes them want to listen to yours?
Definition of success = freedom


Resources Mentioned



Previously On Reinvention Radio

Reinventing Personal Growth – In this episode, tune in to hear the RR Crew chat with Brendan Burns about his personal development journey and how he helps others find theirs.