Reignite your Intuition

Reignite your Intuition

Latest Episodes

No children, no problem
May 26, 2020

No children, no problem

Why I sometimes don't need/want people around me
May 19, 2020

Why I sometimes don't need/want people around me

Perfect is boring
May 12, 2020

Perfect is boring

Why I love meeting people
May 05, 2020

Why I love meeting people

When I can't remember what to say
April 28, 2020

When I can't remember what to say

It is what it is, says love...
April 21, 2020

It is what it is, says love...

Male / Female what really makes the difference...
April 14, 2020

Male / Female what really makes the difference...

Positive thinking pro und contra
April 07, 2020

Positive thinking pro und contra

Go through the shit consciously and you will see…
March 31, 2020

Go through the shit consciously and you will see…

When you are too tired to feel certain things
March 24, 2020

When you are too tired to feel certain things