Register - Architecture & Landscape

Register - Architecture & Landscape


July 31, 2019

In this interview Andrew Clancy and Judi Farren Bradley interview Julian HARRAP.

Julian is arguably the most distinguished conservation architect working in Europe today. In the work he completed with David Chipperfield on the Neues Museum he opened up a conversation about memory, authenticity and the abiding meaning of architecture in a highly nuanced manner. This work is of interest far beyond conservation circles of course, and I think it fair to say that this building has been one of the key works of the last 20 years in shaping the culture of architecture on our continent. Our contemporary understanding of bricolage, fragment and inflection are all wrapped up and tested in various ways in this building.

There is a radicality here, one which is perhaps less immediately evident (but no less present) in other projects by Julian and in this conversation he takes us through the challenge of conservation - which in his view is never a simple dogmatic agenda, but another layer of architectural thinking.


Register is the Research Centre in the Department of Architecture & Landscape at the Kingston School of Art, Kingston University London

Head of Department: Mary Johnson
Producer: Laura Evans / Andrew Clancy
Register: Christoph Lueder; Matt Wells; Matt Phillips
Interviewer: Andrew Clancy and Matt Phillips
Editor: Andrew Clancy
Music: Poddington Bear - Rainbow Architecture