The Regained Wellness Podcast

The Regained Wellness Podcast

Latest Episodes

RW 171: The Crazy History Of The Happy Meal
January 29, 2019

It’s the attack of the Golden Arches. There’s no doubt that you’ve had a Happy Meal at some point in your life and it’s one of the main staples that’s kept McDonalds going all these years. It’s the perfect combination of fast food, a surprise,

RW 170: 15 Health And Fitness Goals For 2019
January 15, 2019

Well, the new year is off and rolling and with it comes a lot of aspirations to improve your health and fitness. If you listened to my last episode  Italked all about the idea of setting a New Year’s resolution and how to take the correct approach.

RW 169: How To Approach A New Year’s Resolution
January 02, 2019

Nothing can stop it. That’s the sentiment that exists once that calander flips over on December 31st revealing a brand spanking New Year. Once all the festivities are over, and the vomit is cleaned up, so begins the onsalught of New Year’s resolution r...

RW 168: How To Stay Healthy During The Holidays
December 11, 2018

Remember that scene is Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark when he’s being chased by the giant boulder? That’s what the holidays can feel like when you consider the amount of food, drink, and excess that’s thrown at you on a daily basis.

RW 167: Is The News Making Us Sick?
December 05, 2018

Is the state of everything you read and see getting to you? Is the news making us sick? Don’t worry it’s not just you and I don’t mean sick as in fed up. Sick as in damaging your health. This is a very interesting topic that no one seems to be discussi...

RW 166: The History Of Weight Watchers
November 27, 2018

Everyone in the world has heard of Weight Watchers. It’s probably the most famous health/nutrition program of all time and has been used by millions of people in dozens of countries. It has been endorsed by celebrities and royalty,

RW 165: What Are Nootropics?
November 20, 2018

No, nootropics aren’t a basketball team in Flint, Michigan  (shoutout SemiPro) but a variety of compounds that can have positive effects on your brain functioning. Some of these you are probably using daily and don’t realize it and some you’ve no doubt...

RW 164: F45 Fitness
November 06, 2018

It’s a good time to be a fitness consumer. There are so many options when it comes to getting fit and healthy from low-cost gyms, personal training studios, Crossfit, Soul Cycle, Hiit training studios, you name it.

RW: What Are The Best Greens You Should Be Eating?
October 30, 2018

I recently did a show on a whole OTHER type of greens. This one though is about what are the best greens you should include in your diet. This is where variety gets important and if you’ve been eating the same old red and green leaf lettuce or romaine ...

RW 162: Cannabis Pros And Cons
October 24, 2018

Huge disclaimers right off the bat here. I’m not advocating or promoting the use of anything (except for Count Chocula for dinner) but it’s worth looking into the health and wellness connection to cannabis.