Reefer MEDness

Reefer MEDness

E88- Road Story – Cannabis on the Go

July 26, 2022

Kirk and Trevor bring you a Road Story that they didn’t need to leave home to find. A Mobile Cannabis Shop parked at Dauphin’s Countryfest, Canada’s longest running country music festival. Delta 9, Manitoba’s own Licensed Producer, made history as this was the first Mobile Cannabis store in Canada! The Delta 9 Mobile Cannabis Store was licensed by the Liquor Gaming and Cannabis Authority of Manitoba to sell cannabis at the 2022 Dauphin’s Countryfest site and again the 2022 Rockin’ the Fields of Minnedosa site later in the summer. Marshall Posner, Chief Marketing Officer for Delta 9, explained the nuances of selling cannabis at an outdoor summer music festival and how this was a history making event. Did Cannabis bring a new “chill” to Canada’s hottest country music festival? Have a listen and discover Cannabis is on the Go in Manitoba.

Music by:

Johnny Reid – Let’s Go



(Yes we got a SOCAN

membership to use this

song all legal and

proper like)


Additional Music:

Desiree Dorion

Marc Clement


Transcripts, papers and so much more at:
