Reefer MEDness

E99 - Green is the New Grey with Dr. Robert Sealey (Re-Hash)
Dr. Rob Sealey returns to the podcast. Back in S3E7 he talked about Cannabis For Kids. Today we drive down the road to the other end of the age spectrum, Cannabis and Seniors. Dr. Sealey is super knowledgeable, but also pithy comment machine! Within this episode he says "you wouldn't go into your local liquor store and say, which bottle of Marlow should I use for my arthritis." He also figures "if we're at all related to mice and some people are more related to rats, then you know, you got a pretty good shot as this could actually potentially help." When filling your medicine cabinet there is "the great substitution effect of using cannabis because of its multi-modal aspects." Applying his knowledge he shares "I always am a booster of the endocannabinoid system." We can’t entice you any better that these quotes. Go Listen!
Dr. Rob Sealey – Medical Cannabis Lecture on Vimeo – Video
Music by:
Bahamas – Lost in the Light -
Additional Music:
Desiree Dorion
Marc Clement
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