Reefer MEDness

Reefer MEDness

E126 - Greencraft Tour - Step into the Golden Light

June 27, 2024

One sunny evening in the summer of 2020, Kirk and Trevor had a meeting on Kirk's driveway. Even though all all indoor meetings were taboo, they met someone bursting with excitement. Eric Greening's face lit up as he described the cannabis growing facility he envisioned building north east of Dauphin.

Four years, a pandemic, spiraling inflation and all the other unknown unknowns of building a facility and starting a business are now behind the persistent Mr. Greening. As proud Dauphinites, we are excited to say Greencraft Cannabis is now selling product! And.... after much pestering, we got a peek inside!

Come with us on an audio tour of the facility. There is a cannabis "tree" whose trunk Trevor can't wrap his hand around, a sunset room with alien-looking golden light, the secrets of how you control tiny invaders when you can't use any pesticides, and so much more!

Greencraft Cannabis - website

Music by:

Reggae Cowboys - Tell the Truth -YouTube

Additional Music:

Desiree Dorion

Marc Clement - Facebook

Transcripts, papers and so much more at:
