Reefer MEDness

Reefer MEDness

E52 - Prenatal Cannabis Exposure – Dr. Ciara Torres (Re-Hash)

May 07, 2024

Let us start by saying, we encourage pregnant women toward balanced diets, proper exercise, and we discourage unnecessary drug and alcohol use. But, what if a mother consumes cannabis during pregnancy? In this episode Kirk and Trevor begin to explore prenatal cannabis exposure and are joined by Dr. Ciara Torres, Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at Columbia University. This neuroscientists near six-year meta-analysis found prenatal use of cannabis does not lead to cognitive impairment of children. Dr. Torres discusses how her study, published May 2020, offers policy makers a better understanding of how cannabis affects newborns. Often babies are removed from a family when it is discovered a mother used cannabis during the pregnancy; this action may actually be more harmful than the exposure. Proper prenatal care is paramount when predicting the future success of an unborn child. This episode is designed to start the debate, so have a listen and offer your feedback by sending us a note to


Dr. Ciara Torres Vargas - Columbia University Link

Totality of the Evidence Suggests Prenatal Cannabis Exposure Does Not Lead to Cognitive Impairments: A Systematic and Critical Review - paper

Music by:

Hector Lavoe - YouTube


(Yes we got a SOCAN membership to use this song all legal and proper like)

Additional Music:

Desiree Dorion

Marc Clement - Facebook

Transcripts, papers and so much more at: